Attention deficit disorders

Unhealthy diet during pregnancy could be linked to ADHD

New research led by scientists from King's College London and the University of Bristol has found that a high-fat, high-sugar diet during pregnancy may be linked to symptoms of ADHD in children who show conduct problems early ...


Finnish people's unique genetic makeup offers clues to disease

A new study harnessed the unique genetic history of the people of Finland to identify variations in DNA that might predispose certain individuals to disease, whether or not they are Finnish themselves. The study was conducted ...


Exercise changes your DNA

You might think that the DNA you inherited is one thing that you absolutely can't do anything about, but in one sense you'd be wrong. Researchers reporting in the March issue of Cell Metabolism, a Cell Press publication, ...


DNA changes accelerate body's aging process

DNA changes throughout a person's life can significantly increase their susceptibility to heart conditions and other age-related diseases, research suggests.


Gene link to multiple sclerosis

(Medical Xpress) -- The biological role of a gene variant implicated in multiple sclerosis (MS) has been determined by researchers at Oxford University.


New research shows childhood adversity causes changes in genetics

In a look at how major stressors during childhood can change a person's biological risk for psychiatric disorders, researchers at Butler Hospital have discovered a genetic alteration at the root of the association. The research, ...

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