Oncology & Cancer

Promising new treatment for deadly pediatric tumors

Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma is a type of rare pediatric tumor. For more than 40 years there have not been any new developments regarding treatment. Research led by Prof. Dr. Anton Henssen at Charité University Berlin has now ...

Medical research

A molecular explanation for age-related fertility decline in women

(Medical Xpress)—Scientists supported by the National Institutes of Health have a new theory as to why a woman's fertility declines after her mid-30s. They also suggest an approach that might help slow the process, enhancing ...

Oncology & Cancer

New role for a driver of metastatic cancers

Metastatic ovarian, prostate and breast cancers are notoriously difficult to treat and often deadly. Now, Salk Institute researchers have revealed a new role for the CDK12 protein. The findings were published in the print ...

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