
Consuming omega-3 fatty acids could prevent asthma

New research suggests that a higher dietary intake of long chain omega-3 fatty acids in childhood may reduce the risk of developing subsequent asthma, but only in children carrying a common gene variant. The study, led by ...


Researchers create mutant mice to study bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder (BD) is a debilitating condition characterized by alternating states of depression (known as depressive episodes) and abnormal excitement or irritability (known as manic episodes). Large-scale genome-wide ...


The importance of long chain fatty acids in early life

Fats are essential constituents of breast milk. They supply the infant with energy, and are also essential for growth and development. Some fatty acids, key components of dietary fats, play an important role in a child's ...

Inflammatory disorders

Fish oil supplementation doesn't cut inflammatory markers

(HealthDay)—For healthy adults, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplementation does not reduce common markers of systemic inflammation, according to a study published online Oct. 26 in the Journal ...


Vegan diet significantly remodels metabolism in young children

University of Helsinki researchers report a comprehensive pilot study on the metabolic effects of full vegan diet on young children. The study found vegan children to have remarkably altered metabolism and lower vitamin A ...


Fish oil supplements and dry eyes

Dear Mayo Clinic: Is it true that fish oil or an omega-3 supplement can help people with dry eyes? If I decide to take them, do omega-3 supplements have any side effects I should worry about?

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