Medical research

Common dry cleaning chemical linked to Parkinson's

A common and widely used chemical may be fueling the rise of the world's fastest growing brain condition—Parkinson's disease. For the past 100 years, trichloroethylene (TCE) has been used to decaffeinate coffee, degrease ...


Beta blockers can repair malformed blood vessels in the brain

Propranolol, a drug that is efficacious against infantile haemangiomas ("strawberry naevi," resembling birthmarks), can also be used to treat cerebral cavernous malformations, a condition characterized by misshapen blood ...

Medical research

Research reverses the reproductive clock in mice

Researchers have lifted fertility rates in older female mice with small doses of a metabolic compound that reverses the aging process in eggs, offering hope for some women struggling to conceive.


New commuter concern: Cancerous chemical in car seats

The longer your commute, the more you're exposed to a chemical flame retardant that is a known carcinogen and was phased out of furniture use because it required a Proposition 65 warning label in California.

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Drinking water

Drinking water is water of sufficiently high quality that it can be consumed or used without risk of immediate or long term harm. Such water is commonly called potable water. In most developed countries, the water supplied to households, commerce and industry is all of drinking water standard, even though only a very small proportion (often 5% or less) is actually consumed or used in food preparation.[citation needed]

Over large parts of the world, humans have inadequate access to potable water and use sources contaminated with disease vectors, pathogens or unacceptable levels of dissolved chemicals or suspended solids. Such water is not potable and drinking or using such water in food preparation leads to widespread acute and chronic illness and is a major cause of death in many countries.

Typically, water supply networks deliver potable water, whether it is to be used for drinking, washing or landscape irrigation. One counterexample is urban China, where drinking water can optionally be delivered by a separate tap.

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