
Mexican forensic expert bathes bodies to solve crimes

Mexican forensic expert Alejandro Hernandez dips dry, yellowish cadavers in a see-through bath, hoping his technique to rehydrate mummified bodies will solve murders in crime-infested Ciudad Juarez.


Feds say heroin, fentanyl remain biggest drug threat to US

Opioid overdose deaths hit the highest level ever recorded in the United States last year, with an estimated 200 people dying per day, according to a report by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.


Parents warned of killer fake pills laced with fentanyl

The DEA has posted a chilling two-page warning to parents on fake pills—pills that can kill. The "One Pill/Can Kill" campaign kicks off with a warning that fentanyl "is a deadly synthetic opioid" pressed into bogus pills ...


More sanctions for deadly fentanyl if bill becomes law

Over the past year, the U.S. Treasury Department has used its sanctions powers to impose wide-ranging financial penalties on Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine—turning Russia into the most sanctioned country ...