
Wrigley takes new caffeinated gum off market

(AP)—A Food and Drug Administration investigation into the safety of caffeine-added foods has prompted Wrigley to take its new caffeinated gum off the market for the time being.


Video: How arsenic can help fight antibiotic resistance

Most antibiotics on the market are becoming less effective. Arsenic may hold the answer to defeating resistant bacteria that have learned to fight back against the drugs designed to kill them.


Extending Rx exclusivity could boost study for rare diseases

(HealthDay)—Extending the market exclusivity for existing drugs that are granted subsequent U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for a new rare disease indication would provide manufacturers with substantial ...


FDA rejects two HIV drugs from Gilead Sciences

Gilead Sciences Inc. says that the Food and Drug Administration rejected two marketing applications for HIV treatments, citing quality control problems at the company's manufacturing facilities.

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