Medical research

Study examines nicotine as a gateway drug

A landmark study in mice identifies a biological mechanism that could help explain how tobacco products could act as gateway drugs, increasing a person's future likelihood of abusing cocaine and perhaps other drugs as well, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Structural studies help explain how cancer cells resist chemotherapy

In order to kill cancer cells, chemotherapy drugs must first make their way inside them. But cancer cells are shrewd, and some use molecular pumps to expel the drugs before they have a chance to work. New research from Rockefeller's ...

Oncology & Cancer

Novel approach scores first success against elusive cancer gene

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute scientists have successfully disrupted the function of a cancer gene involved in the formation of most human tumors by tampering with the gene's "on" switch and growth signals, rather than targeting ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Meth vaccine shows promising results in early tests

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have performed successful tests of an experimental methamphetamine vaccine on rats. Vaccinated animals that received the drug were largely protected from typical signs of ...


Brain implant could stop epilepsy seizures

For many people who suffer from neurological disorders, such as epilepsy, there are no viable treatment options. In our latest research, we developed an implantable device that may one day offer relief. We show that the implant ...

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