US doctors urge reversal of gay blood ban

A leading US doctors' group this week urged the reversal of a decades-old ban on donations of blood from gay men, saying the law is discriminatory and outdated.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Experts challenge FDA over approval for new dose of Alzheimer's drug

Approval for a new dose of a best-selling Alzheimer's drug "breached the FDA's own regulatory standard" and has led to "incomplete and distorted messages" about the drug, warn experts in the British Medical Journal today.


Drug laws fail to protect children

"Would legal regulation and control of drugs better protect children?" is a question posed by former President of Brazil, Fernando Henrique Cardoso in an editorial to be published in the January issue of Elsevier's International ...


Study shows racial inequities in newborn drug testing

If a newborn tests positive for certain drugs after birth, mandated reporters in many states—including health care professionals and social workers—are required to report it to Child Protective Services.

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