
More biosimilars marketed in Germany, Switzerland than U.S.

More biosimilars have been marketed in Germany and Switzerland than in the United States, but uptake has increased over time in all countries, according to a study published online Dec. 2 in JAMA Network Open.


Patents making new AIDS drugs expensive, MSF says

New potentially life-saving HIV drugs are "beyond reach" due to restrictive patents, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said Tuesday, even though basic medication for the disease has become cheaper.


How will pending budget bill reduce drug prices for Americans?

The Inflation Reduction Act contains provisions that are expected to lower drug costs for millions of Americans by allowing Medicare to negotiate some drug prices and by limiting the amount of out-of-pocket drug costs for ...


US to set up plan allowing prescription meds from Canada

The Trump administration said Wednesday it will set up a system allowing Americans to legally and safely import lower-cost prescription drugs from Canada for the first time, reversing years of opposition from federal health ...


$160B deal to combine Pfizer and Allergan raises outcry

A $160 billion deal announced Monday to merge Pfizer and Allergan and create the world's biggest drug company renewed the outcry in Washington over "inversions," in which U.S. corporations combine with companies overseas ...

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