
Two thirds of young children do not do enough physical activity

The largest global study to examine physical activity in children aged between two and five years old has found 66 per cent of children are not getting the nationally recommended three hours of daily physical activity needed ...


Student investigates sun safety in daycare

Daycares and early childhood education programs frequently apply sunscreen to children, but still have room for improvement in sun safety, according to a new Northwestern Medicine study published in JAMA Dermatology.


Leaders highlight early education for drug misuse prevention

More than 100 children in New Hampshire's largest city have witnessed an adult overdose in their home since 2016. Now, a police program that officials hope will be replicated elsewhere is working to prevent kids from meeting ...


New Mexico city seeks sugary drink tax

It's being pitched as an educational lifeline for impoverished preschool-aged children and condemned as the latest example of local government overreach sweeping progressive cities from coast to coast.

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