Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Why dementia burden may be less than feared

It is a truism that aging of populations will result in large and potentially unmanageable increases in the number of older adults with dementia.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research indicates children need many positive relationships

Nurturing a baby into a capable, competent individual is complicated. A parent models language and behavior. A parent sets boundaries for safety and social expectations. A parent gives undivided attention.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mindfulness helps adults overcome childhood adversity

(Medical Xpress)—With significant implications for early childhood education, new research reveals that a mindful disposition is associated with alleviating lasting physical and emotional effects of childhood adversity. ...


Experts highlight big gaps in healthy food policies

Healthy food policies to promote childhood health and reduce obesity are lacking, according to a report highlighting the policy priorities assessed by an expert panel of more than 50 New Zealand public health professionals, ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Autism signs can be identified earlier than formerly thought

(Medical Xpress)—Many characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders can be identified by the age of 2 and are predictive of which children will be diagnosed with these disorders when they're older, a new study suggests.

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