Medical research

Space station crew takes a breather with lung tissue investigation

The microgravity environment of the International Space Station impacts nearly every system within the human body. Researchers are studying the effects to the eyes, heart, muscles, and bones, but an area that hasn't received ...


Just two weeks in orbit causes changes in eyes

Just 13 days in space may be enough to cause profound changes in eye structure and gene expression, report researchers from Houston Methodist, NASA Johnson Space Center, and two other institutions in the October 2013 issue ...

Medical research

The rhythm of everything

Dawn triggers basic biological changes in the waking human body. As the sun rises, so does heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature. The liver, the kidneys and many natural processes also begin shifting from idle into ...

Medical research

Living by the clock: The science of chronobiology

The clock never seems to stop. Every day, it seems, we're fighting it: rushing to get to work, getting errands done, catching whatever sleep we can. There's never enough time to do what we need or want to do, and just when ...

Medical research

Researchers discover new technique for detecting bone loss

Airing for the first time last night on KAET's "ASU Discovers," the work of scientists at ASU including Ariel Anbar, a professor in ASU's Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the School of Earth and Space Exploration and ...

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