Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds 'cluster of disadvantage' behind BAME psychosis rates

Excess psychosis diagnoses amongst Black and South Asian men in deprived urban areas could reflect a cluster of disadvantage in specific places, rather than individual experiences of deprivation alone, a study led by Queen ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Could marriage stave off dementia?

Dementia and marital status could be linked, according to a new Michigan State University study that found married people are less likely to experience dementia as they age.


Economic downturns may affect children's mental health

Research linking economic conditions and health often does not consider children's mental health problems. In a new Health Economics study, investigators found that U.S. children's mental health worsened as the economy weakened. ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Do local employment conditions affect women's pregnancy intentions?

Economic conditions can shape the decisions that adults make about their families, such as whether and when to have children. A recent Journal of Marriage & Family analysis of US women aged 20 to 44 years found that higher ...

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