Psychology & Psychiatry

Lifetime suicide risk factors identified

A review of studies into suicide risk factors at different stages of peoples' lives, as well as of the effectiveness of assessment and treatment approaches, has found that while some factors such as genetics and family history ...


Training the brain to quit smoking

In many ways, the decline of smoking is one of America's great public health success stories. Before the Surgeon General released a damning report on smoking and health in 1964, more than 40 percent of American adults smoked. ...


Larger physician bonus may improve care in chronic disease

(HealthDay)—Increased bonus size for physicians caring for patients with chronic disease is associated with improvements in care quality, according to a study published online Feb. 8 in JAMA Network Open.


India has 21 million 'unwanted' girls

The desire of Indian parents for sons has created an estimated 21 million "unwanted" girls because couples keep having children until they produce a boy, the government said Monday.


Physicians need to be prepared to talk antibiotics

(HealthDay)—Patient pressure to receive antibiotic prescriptions remains a challenge for providers who are trying to combat antibiotic resistance by curbing prescriptions for viral infections, according to an article published ...


Stroke declines dramatically, still higher in Mexican Americans

A new study reports that the incidence of ischemic stroke—the most common type of stroke, caused by a clot in the blood vessels of the brain—among non-Hispanic Whites and Mexican Americans over age 60 has declined over ...


Better-educated parents feed children fewer fats and less sugar

The level of education of parents has an influence on the frequency with which their children eat foods linked to obesity. The children of parents with low and medium levels of education eat fewer vegetables and fruit and ...

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