
Lower education levels linked to unhealthy diets

People with lower levels of education may eat larger amounts of unhealthy, calorically dense food than those with a higher education level, possibly because they are more physically active, according to new research published ...


Dim the lights on teen night owls

Dim lights, board games and no bedside electronics: an old-fashioned sleepover? Not exactly. This overnight takes place at the University of California, Berkeley, and involves dozens of undergraduate research assistants, ...


Testes size correlates with men's involvement in toddler care

Men with smaller testes than others are more likely to be involved in hands-on care of their toddlers, a new study conducted by anthropologists at Emory University finds. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Do girls really experience more math anxiety?

Girls report more math anxiety on general survey measures but are not actually more anxious during math classes and exams, according to new research forthcoming in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological ...


Chill out: disturbed sleep plays havoc with your mood and mind

A poll by Lifeline released earlier this week shows almost two-thirds of Australians reported sleep loss because of stress relating to work or their finances. The findings went largely unremarked, even though a chronic lack ...

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