
Inflammation links social adversity and diabetes

Diabetes is strongly associated with socioeconomic status (SES): low income, low education, and low occupational status are all linked to a higher risk for diabetes. Trying to understand the mechanisms underlying the association, ...


Socioecological factors contribute to diabetes epidemic

(HealthDay)—A broader public health approach may be needed to address the socioecological factors contributing to the rising rates of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, according to a scientific statement published online ...


Designated drivers don't always abstain, study finds

Maybe better call that cab, after all: A new University of Florida study found that 35 percent of designated drivers had quaffed alcohol and most had blood-alcohol levels high enough to impair their driving.


Epilepsy discrimination still rife

People with epilepsy continue to face high rates of stigma and discrimination, particularly in the workplace, according to Flinders University disability expert Dr Michelle Bellon.

Psychology & Psychiatry

New program available to reduce stress among teenagers

Families with a child completing elementary school this year are now preparing their registration for high school, a transition that is often stressful for children. A new program has demonstrated that it is possible to significantly ...

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