Medical research

Brain's stem cells 'eavesdrop' to find out when to act

Working with mice, Johns Hopkins researchers say they have figured out how stem cells found in a part of the brain responsible for learning, memory and mood regulation decide to remain dormant or create new brain cells. Apparently, ...


Decision to give a group effort in the brain

A monkey would probably never agree that it is better to give than to receive, but they do apparently get some reward from giving to another monkey.


Electrical stimulation improves paralyzed patients' function

Nearly 282,000 people in the U.S. live with paralysis following a spinal cord injury (SCI). A review of more than 90 studies found that electrical stimulation may help restore function in those paralyzed after SCI. The article ...


Restoring a rudimentary form of vision in the blind

Restoration of vision in blind people through a brain implant is on the verge of becoming reality. Recent discoveries at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience (NIN) show that newly developed high-resolution implants ...

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