
Less pediatric screen time tied to better well-being

(HealthDay)—A higher amount of screen time per day is associated with decreased psychological well-being in children and adolescents, according to a study published in the December issue of Preventive Medicine Reports.


Study: US teens are drinking less, texting more

American teens are smoking less, drinking less and fighting less. But they're texting behind the wheel and spending a lot of time on video games and computers, according to the government's latest study of worrisome behavior.


Gadget givers urged to consider ramifications

(HealthDay)—Gifts of electronic gadgets, like smartphones and laptops, no doubt bring glee to the teens who receive them. But people thinking of gifting such devices to a kid might want to consider the broader ramifications.


Family grapples with kids' tech time

(HealthDay)—Every Christmas, Linda Russell knows her three children's wish lists will be chock-full of requests for the latest in electronic toys and gadgets. And, like most parents, she struggles to know when to give in ...

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