Oncology & Cancer

Structural studies help explain how cancer cells resist chemotherapy

In order to kill cancer cells, chemotherapy drugs must first make their way inside them. But cancer cells are shrewd, and some use molecular pumps to expel the drugs before they have a chance to work. New research from Rockefeller's ...


New technique provides novel approach to diagnosing ciliopathies

Cilia, the cell's tails and antennas, are among the most important biological structures. They line our windpipe and sweep away all the junk we inhale; they help us see, smell and reproduce. When a mutation disrupts the function ...


From electronic brains to the power of the mind...

The EU budget has provided more than EUR 1.9 billion for brain research since the start of the current EU framework programme for research, FP7, in 2007. This has funded more than 1200 projects with more than 1500 participants ...

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