Parkinson's & Movement disorders

New discovery in fight against Huntington's disease

Researchers at National University of Ireland Galway have made a significant scientific discovery in the fight against Huntington's disease. The novel findings are published 21 February in the online, open access journal ...


Neurologists should ask patients about abuse

A new position statement issued by the American Academy of Neurology calls on neurologists to begin screening their patients for abusive or violent treatment by family, caretakers or others. The position statement is published ...


The influence of estrogen on female mood changes

Women are often troubled with cyclical mood changes. Studies have shown a relationship between emotional disorders associated with the menstrual cycle and changes in estrogen level. The authors reviewed related research in ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research reveals power of the subconscious in human fear

The human subconscious has a bigger impact than previously thought on how we respond to danger, according to research led by the University of Exeter. Published today, the study shows that our primitive response to fear can ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sleep preserves and enhances unpleasant emotional memories

A recent study by sleep researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst is the first to suggest that a person's emotional response after witnessing an unsettling picture or traumatic event is greatly reduced if the ...

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