
The ins and outs of Area 25

Neuroscientists have charted the incoming and outgoing connections of a brain region located deep within the primate prefrontal cortex that has important roles in emotion and memory processes. The comprehensive, high-resolution ...


How the brain balances emotion and reason

Navigating through life requires balancing emotion and reason, a feat accomplished by the brain region "area 32" of the anterior cingulate cortex. The area maintains emotional equilibrium by relaying information between cognitive ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Stimulating the gut–brain nerve can influence emotion

Stimulating the vagus nerve, which provides a direct link between the gut and brain, makes people pay less attention to sad facial expressions. This research study by psychologists Katerina Johnson and Laura Steenbergen is ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How bad will my postpartum depression be in 12 months?

A new Northwestern Medicine study was able to successfully predict if a new mother would experience worsening depressive symptoms over the first year after giving birth by identifying four maternal characteristics that put ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research helps people with social phobia face their fears

(Medical Xpress)—Social anxiety disorder – which can include being afraid of speaking in public, fear of interacting with people, and intense nervousness at being the center of attention – affects millions of people ...

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