Psychology & Psychiatry

Emotional suppression reduces memory of negative events

By peering at the brains of study subjects prompted to suppress negative emotions, scientists have gained new insights into how emotional regulation influences negative feelings and memories. The researchers hope the findings ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Coping with loss on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is a special day meant to show those you love most that you care about them, but for some this day could trigger feelings of grief because their loved one has passed away. One Baylor College of Medicine expert ...


Can over-the-counter pain meds influence thoughts and emotions?

Over-the-counter pain medicine such as Ibuprofen and acetaminophen may influence how people process information, experience hurt feelings, and react to emotionally evocative images, according to recent studies. Examining ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Feeling bad about feeling bad can make you feel worse

Pressure to feel upbeat can make you feel downbeat, while embracing your darker moods can actually make you feel better in the long run, according to new UC Berkeley research.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Four signs you have high emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence can mean the difference between behaving in a socially acceptable way and being considered to be way out of line. While most people will have heard of emotional intelligence, not many people really ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why smiles (and frowns) are contagious

Smile! It makes everyone in the room feel better because they, consciously or unconsciously, are smiling with you. Growing evidence shows that an instinct for facial mimicry allows us to empathize with and even experience ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Aggressive music related to anxiety in men

Brain imaging reveals how neural responses to different types of music really affect the emotion regulation of persons. The study concludes that men who process negative feelings with music react negatively to aggressive ...

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