Psychology & Psychiatry

Work-family balance

The work-life balance and juggling family can lead to emotional turmoil for those who find themselves unable to resolve the conflicting demands of work and family. A research team in India has now looked surveyed 346 employees ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Where you live might influence how you measure up against your peers

Social comparison is one of the most ubiquitous features of human social life and a fundamental aspect of human cognition. The human tendency to look to others for information about how to think, feel and behave has provided ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The psychological impact of early life stress and parental separation

In recent months, more than 2,000 migrant children have been separated from their families at the United States/Mexico border. Questions about the policy, including how it affects the children's well-being, has led to a suspension ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Money only buys happiness for a certain amount

There is an optimal point to how much money it takes to make an individual happy, and that amount varies worldwide, according to research from Purdue University.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Feeling blue? Taking a break from Facebook might help

A new study shows that regular use of social networking such as Facebook can negatively affect your emotional well-being and satisfaction with life. But you don't have to quit Facebook altogether; simply changing your social ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Older people offer resources that children need

When older adults contribute to the well-being of youth, it cultivates a sense of purpose and extends benefits both ways, according to a new Stanford report.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Helping others dampens the effects of everyday stress

Providing help to friends, acquaintances, and even strangers can mitigate the impact of daily stressors on our emotions and our mental health, according to new research published in Clinical Psychological Science, a journal ...

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