Obstetrics & gynaecology

Reproductive goals vary after spontaneous abortion

(HealthDay)—Women have varying reproductive goals after spontaneous abortion but are generally receptive to contraceptive counseling, according to a study published online March 8 in Obstetrics & Gynecology.


Stop sabotaging your diet

(HealthDay)—You could be standing in the way of your own weight loss, eating more calories than you realize. Here's how to keep your head in the game.

Autism spectrum disorders

Face time: Tech reads facial expressions for autism symptoms

There's an app for everything these days—from weight loss to working out. Now, thanks in part to support from the Office of Naval Research (ONR), there's an app that may screen for autism by reading kids' facial expressions ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Lack of sleep tampers with your emotions

Cranky or grumpy after a long night? Your brain's ability to regulate emotions is probably compromised by fatigue. This is bad news for 30 percent of American adults who get less than six hours of sleep per night, according ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Anorexia fueled by pride about weight loss

Positive emotions – even those viewed through a distorted lens – may play an exacerbating role in fueling eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, which has a death rate 12 times higher for females between the ages of ...


Hearing loss affects old people's personality

As people approach old age, they generally become less outgoing. New research from the University of Gothenburg shows that this change in personality is amplified among people with impaired hearing. The findings emphasize ...


Chill out: disturbed sleep plays havoc with your mood and mind

A poll by Lifeline released earlier this week shows almost two-thirds of Australians reported sleep loss because of stress relating to work or their finances. The findings went largely unremarked, even though a chronic lack ...


New study into impact on women who lose a baby

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers at the University of Adelaide hope that women who experience pregnancy loss - such as miscarriage and stillbirth - will receive better care thanks to new research aimed at finding out exactly ...

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