Psychology & Psychiatry

Why do we get teary when we're tired or sick?

It's been a big week and you feel exhausted, and suddenly you find yourself crying at a nice nappy commercial. Or maybe you are struck with a cold or the coronavirus and the fact your partner used up all the milk just makes ...


Consumer Health: What is IBS?

April is IBS Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn about irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS.

Medical research

How a burn could change your blood

UWA scientists have discovered a surprising and significant link between burn injuries and heart disease.

Psychology & Psychiatry

COVID-19 lockdowns hurt women more than men

COVID-19 lockdown measures appear to have had drastically different effects on men and women living with chronic pain, with women experiencing greater pain severity, according to new research being presented at Euroanaesthesia, ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

The mind and body connected: Athletes and mental health

Achieving peak performance in competitive athletics requires a complex but delicate interplay of skill, physical conditioning, practice, precision, grit and passion. Sometimes, both external and internal factors such as self-doubt, ...

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