Psychology & Psychiatry

Stressed teens benefit from coping online, but less is more

Teenagers who spend a few hours online after a stressful experience fare better than those who frequently use this strategy or not at all a Griffith University-led study published in the journal Clinical Psychological Science ...


During COVID-19, nurses face significant burnout risks

Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 40 percent of nurses and other health care workers had risks associated with an increased likelihood of burnout, reports a survey study in the August issue of the American Journal ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The world is reopening. So why are more people lonely?

The emotional wear and tear of pandemic-induced isolation played havoc with social connections. And it may take a while for U.S. adults to repair those interrupted relationships with friends and family members, according ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Have introverts really fared better in lockdown?

Since the onset of the pandemic, everyone from newspaper columnists to Twitter users has advanced the now idea that extroverts and introverts are handling the crisis differently.

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