
New blow for Obama health law

President Barack Obama's health care law suffered a new blow Monday, as his administration delayed a key component requiring small businesses to provide insurance to employees or face a fine.


Workplace wellness programs can cut chronic illness costs

Workplace wellness programs can lower health care costs in workers with chronic diseases, but components of the programs that encourage workers to adopt healthier lifestyles may not reduce health costs or lead to lower net ...


Search for surrogates draws Chinese to US

For decades China has been a top destination for Americans seeking to adopt a child from abroad, but now its own citizens are making the reverse trek across the Pacific to fulfil their parental dreams—through surrogacy.


Insurance exchanges may benefit small medical practices

(HealthDay)—Small medical practices may not need to offer their employees health insurance, although there may be advantages to doing so, according to an article published Nov. 10 in Medical Economics.


Physicians should motivate and retain top employees

(HealthDay)—Even in a time of declining reimbursements, smart employers should know how to motivate and retain superstar employees in their practice, according to an article published Oct. 10 in Medical Economics.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Work seems life threatening to people suffering from stress

Stress causes today more cases of prolonged absence from work due to sickness. Work and identity are more closely knit together than ever before, and therefore work becomes a matter of life and death to the person suffering ...


Drinking at work a social tool

(Medical Xpress)—Alcohol can be used for social advantage at work by both young employees and their organisation, new research from Victoria University of Wellington has found.


Racial differences exist in reports of workplace drug testing

(Medical Xpress)—Drug testing occurs more often in workplaces where racial and ethnic minorities are employed, according to a new study by Yale School of Medicine. The study appears online in the Early View of the American ...

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