Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Predicting your risk of infection

Research publishing this week in PLOS Computational Biology analyses the livestock trade in Italy and sexual encounters in a Brazilian prostitution service to find a correlation between loyalty and infection risk.


How pornography influences and harms sexual behavior

A new article co-authored by a Virginia Commonwealth University professor suggests that pornography has become a primary source of sexual education, and has a tangible influence on the sex lives of young adults.


New Galactic Cap condom prevents pregnancy but not STDs

(Medical Xpress)—Charles Powell is a man with a novel idea—he's created a new type of condom, called the Galactic Cap—it covers just the tip of the penis, rather than the whole thing. He's even set up an Indiegogo project ...


Use of EHRs can enhance doc-patient communication

(HealthDay)—Electronic health records (EHRs) can be used during clinical encounters to enhance the physician-patient relationship, encouraging communication during the clinical encounter, according to a viewpoint published ...

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