
US teen dies of caffeine overdose

A coffee, a caffeinated drink and an energy soda proved a deadly combination for a South Carolina teenager who died within two hours of consuming them, triggering warnings about the risks of caffeine overdose.


US teens less sweet on soft drinks

(HealthDay)—American teens are turning their backs on soft drinks, says a new government survey that shows soda consumption among youth declined by almost a third in just two years.

Medical research

Microreactor replaces animal testing

Researchers all over Europe are working on alternatives to animal testing that can be used to evaluate the adverse side-effects of medications. But many of these test methods still present problems. A microreactor developed ...


Study shows how alcohol effects food consumption

A researcher from the University's Institute of Psychology, Health and Society has published a paper in Health Psychology about the adverse effect alcohol has on a person's inhibitory control when it comes to food.


Fat cells reprogrammed to increase fat burning

White adipose tissue stores excess calories as fat that can be released for use in other organs during fasting. Mammals also have small amounts of brown adipose tissue, which primarily acts as an effective fat burner for ...


Why kids should avoid a caffeine buzz

If you think you're seeing more kids chugging energy drinks and sipping Starbucks than ever before, you're probably right.


Soda war activists look to tobacco as model

Soft drinks should be targeted like tobacco with consumer warning labels that spell out the risk of obesity and other maladies, American advocates of a war on soda say.

Medical research

Mathematics to improve running

How can runners improve their performance, weight and fitness? Amandine Aftalion from the Mathematics Laboratory in Versailles (CNRS/University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines) and Frédéric Bonnans from the Center ...

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