Psychology & Psychiatry

Why sleep could be the key to tackling mental illness

We are only beginning to unravel the genetic and biochemical basis of mental illness – a vague term including conditions as diverse as anxiety, depression, and mood and psychotic disorders. With millions of people suffering ...


Energy expenditure increases after gastric bypass surgery

Gastric bypass surgery often leads to a sustained weight loss. Researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy have found part of the explanation: the operation enhances energy expenditure such that eating actually helps the person lose ...


Study compares active video gaming to unstructured outdoor play

The increasing use of video games is often blamed for children's lack of interest in physical activity, but a UT study recently published in the Games for Health Journal suggests that active video games may actually be a ...


Savoring meals increases energy expenditure after meal intake

The benefits of eating slowly and chewing thoroughly have been proposed for over a century, but there has been little actual proof of the theory. Now, Naoyuki Hayashi and Yuka Hamada at Tokyo Institute of Technology have ...


Ease of weight loss influenced by individual biology

For the first time in a lab, researchers at the National Institutes of Health found evidence supporting the commonly held belief that people with certain physiologies lose less weight than others when limiting calories. Study ...

Medical research

Molecule from trees helps female mice only resist weight gain

A molecule found in some plants can combat weight gain induced by a high-fat diet, but only in female mice, not males. 7,8-dihydroxyflavone (7,8-DHF) is thought to mimic the effects of a growth factor induced by exercise.

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