Medical research

Team finds on-off switch to burning stored fat

Scientists this week reported that a molecular pathway called mTORC1 controls the conversion of unhealthy white fat into beige fat, an appealing target for increasing energy expenditure and reducing obesity. The team, led ...

Overweight & Obesity

Weight management benefits from savouring meals

Researchers at Tokyo Institute of Technology use quantitative studies to identify significant correlations between thoroughly chewing food and the energy expenditure related to food digestion, absorption and storage.

Medical research

Not only is she thinner than you ... her muscles work better, too

We all know the type: The friend or colleague who stays slim and trim without much effort and despite eating the same high-calorie fare that causes everyone else to gain weight. As it turns out, the way the muscles of the ...

Medical research

Breaking the cycle of obesity, inflammation and disease

Researchers at University of Michigan have illuminated an aspect of how the metabolic system breaks down in obesity. The findings provide additional evidence that a drug entering clinical trials at the university could reverse ...


US mothers from 1965 to 2010: More TV, less housework

New research from the University of South Carolina's Arnold School of Public Health shows that mothers in the U.S. are far less physically active than they were in previous decades and now spend more time engaged in sedentary ...

Medical research

Bone hormone influences brain development and cognition

Researchers from Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) have found that the skeleton, acting through the bone-derived hormone osteocalcin, exerts a powerful influence on prenatal brain development and cognitive functions ...

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