Medical research

SRC-2 is at the center of survival adaptations to food shortages

When fasting or facing a food shortage, the body engages metabolic and behavioral adaptations to survive. How the brain coordinates and regulates these responses has not been clear, but researchers at Baylor College of Medicine ...

Overweight & Obesity

Metabolism changes with age, just not when you might think

Most of us remember a time when we could eat anything we wanted and not gain weight. But a new study suggests your metabolism—the rate at which you burn calories—actually peaks much earlier in life, and starts its inevitable ...


Blue light creates negative physiological changes during sleep

Extended exposure to light during nighttime can have negative consequences for human health. But now, researchers from Japan have identified a new type of light with reduced consequences for physiological changes during sleep.

Overweight & Obesity

Secretin hormone induces satiation by activating brown fat

Researchers from the Turku PET Centre and Technical University of Munich have discovered a new mechanism controlling satiation. According to the recently published study, the hormone secretin induces satiation by activating ...

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