Medical economics

Survey shows the pandemic was a tough time for pharmacies

Customers showing up even when they were sick, not agreeing with the restrictions, and many new tasks for staff. These are factors that contributed to heavier workloads and tougher work environments in pharmacies during the ...


Bisphenol A detected in almost all Europeans: report

Bisphenol A (BPA), a hormone-disrupting chemical used in food packaging, is present in almost all Europeans' bodies, posing a potential health risk, the European Environment Agency said Thursday.

Medical economics

The nursing burnout crisis is also happening in primary care

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses across the U.S. are facing a burnout crisis. Many nurses report concerns with their work environment, including strained relationships with managers and colleagues, a lack of input ...

Overweight & Obesity

Mixed-reality technology may improve research on eating behaviors

In 2020, more than four in ten people in the United States had obesity, an increase from three in ten people in the year 2000, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. To better understand eating behaviors ...

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