
Type 1 diabetes can be predicted with epigenetic changes

Children who develop type 1 diabetes show epigenetic changes in the cells of their immune system already before the antibodies of the disease are detected in their blood. The findings of two new studies offer new opportunities ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Difficult to build a family after exposure to chemical weapons

People who have been exposed to chemical warfare agents (CWAs) feel uncertain, decades after the exposure, about their survival and ability to build a family, a University of Gothenburg study shows. Women are more severely ...

Oncology & Cancer

Chemotherapy for rare cancer fine-tuned with organoids

A patient-specific tumor organoid model is being used to identify the most effective chemotherapy protocol to treat appendix and colon tumors, a personalized medicine approach that is showing promise. The organoids were created ...


What happens to medicines after their use-by dates

It is estimated that there is a staggering £300m worth of medicine unused in the UK every year. But is it safe to take these medicines if they are past their expiry date?

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