
New warning about the risks of combining ibuprofen and codeine

The European Medicines Agencies (EMA) recommended European countries include new warnings on labels and in package inserts of analgesics, or pain killers, that combine codeine and ibuprofen. This recommendation was agreed ...


Clinical trial suggests Parkinson's drug is safe in humans

A large team of researchers from Denali Therapeutics, working with colleagues from multiple entities in the U.S. and one in Canada, has found that a LRRK2 inhibitor called DNL201 showed no ill effects to volunteers in a clinical ...


Enzyme replacement therapy approved for late-onset Pompe disease

(HealthDay)—Nexviazyme (avalglucosidase alfa-ngpt) was approved for the treatment of the rare inherited disorder late-onset Pompe disease in patients 1 year of age and older, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced ...


Why some people may be at greater risk of folate deficiency

As many expectant mothers know, getting enough folate is key to avoiding neural tube defects in the baby during pregnancy. But for the individuals who carry certain genetic variants, dealing with folate deficiency can be ...

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