
Epigenetic biomarkers predict CVD risk

Epigenetic biomarkers may reflect past cardiovascular health exposures and predict cardiovascular disease in the future, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in the journal Circulation.


Type 1 diabetes can be predicted with epigenetic changes

Children who develop type 1 diabetes show epigenetic changes in the cells of their immune system already before the antibodies of the disease are detected in their blood. The findings of two new studies offer new opportunities ...


Epigenetic changes drive the fate of a B cell

B cells are the immune cells responsible for creating antibodies, and most B cells, known as B2 cells, produce antibodies in response to a pathogen or a vaccine, providing defense and immunity against infections. But a small ...

Medical research

Single-cell technique could provide 'egg health' indicators

Using the power of single-cell analysis, researchers at the Babraham Institute have assessed the effects of age on egg cells (oocytes) in mice, particularly looking to identify genomic and epigenetic factors that relate to ...

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