
Building new tools to study the epigenome

Researchers know that the epigenome plays a key role in how DNA is expressed, and have linked changes in the epigenome to a wide variety of health problems – from cancers to autoimmune disorders. But not only is there a ...


Our epigenome is influenced by our habitat and lifestyle

Research on the genomes of Pygmy hunter-gatherer populations and Bantu farmers in Central Africa, carried out by scientists from the Institut Pasteur and the CNRS in cooperation with French and international teams, has shown ...


Epigenomic changes are key to innate immunological memory

A research team led by Keisuke Yoshida and Shunsuke Ishii of the RIKEN Molecular Genetics Laboratory has revealed that epigenomic changes induced by pathogen infections, mediated by a transcription factor called ATF7, are ...


Epigenome orchestrates embryonic development

The early stages of embryonic development shape our cells and tissues for life. It is during this time that our newly formed cells are transformed into heart, skin, nerve or other cell types. Scientists are finding that this ...

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