Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Can Alzheimer's disease steal one's consciousness?

Alzheimer's disease (AD) has been characterized as a "complete loss of self." Early on when memory begins to fade, the victim has difficulty recalling names, their grocery list or where they put their keys. As the disease ...


New research shows memory is a dynamic and interactive process

Research presented by Morris Moscovitch, from the Rotman Research Institute at the University of Toronto, shows that memory is more dynamic and changeable than previously thought. Dr. Moscovich's results reveal that important ...


Mental time travel—an exclusively human capacity

Are humans the only ones who are able to remember events that they had experienced and mentally time travel not only into the past but also the future? Or do animals have the same capacity? To a certain extend, according ...


Some video games are good for older adults' brains

If you're between 55 and 75 years old, you may want to try playing 3D platform games like Super Mario 64 to stave off mild cognitive impairment and perhaps even prevent Alzheimer's disease.


Feel-good hormone helps to jog the memory

The feel-good hormone dopamine improves long-term memory. This is the finding of a team lead by Emrah Düzel, neuroscientist at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases and the University of Magdeburg. The researchers ...

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