Medical research

Promotion of cancer progression via extracellular vesicles

The advent of cell phones, the internet, and various messaging platforms has allowed for faster and broader communication worldwide. But did you know that your body has its own complex communication system in the form of ...

Medical research

Stopping the spread: Targeting tumor metastasis

The process of metastasis is when cancer cells gain motility and spread to other sites of the body. Because this is one of the main causes of cancer-related deaths, researchers have aimed to develop therapeutic strategies ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

New study provides a detailed cell atlas of the fallopian tube

The fallopian tube is the site of fertilization, where once a month for the duration of a female's post-pubescent, pre-menopausal life, an egg is moved from the ovary, ready for fertilization by a sperm cell.

Oncology & Cancer

Research sheds new light on pancreatic cancer metastasis

With an overall survival rate of 9% for those diagnosed, pancreatic cancer remains exceedingly difficult to treat. However, the patient's primary tumor typically isn't what leads to death—it is the cancer's ability to evade ...

Oncology & Cancer

A gearbox for tumor cell identity changes

Cancer cells can experience stress. They have to contend with attacks by the immune system or with anti-cancer therapeutics. If they attempt to colonize other tissues, they have to break away from the extracellular matrix, ...

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