
Eating protein three times a day could make our seniors stronger

Loss of muscle is an inevitable consequence of aging that can lead to frailty, falls or mobility problems. Eating enough protein is one way to remedy it, but it would seem that spreading protein equally among the three daily ...


Not all muscle building supplements are equal

Popular muscle building supplements, known as branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) are ineffective when taken in isolation, according to new research from the University of Stirling.


Food research prevents illness in infants

Associate Professor Dereck Chatterton at the Department of Food Science at the University of Copenhagen has spent more than 15 years carrying out research in order to improve infant formula for children who cannot be breastfed. ...


Do you need protein supplements to get ripped?

Many people spend hours in the gym every week and fill up on protein supplements in the quest for a ripped physique, but could all that hard work and money spent on sweet tasting powder be in vain?


Soy versus dairy: Which milk is better for you?

There are good reasons why people may want to swap soy with dairy milk. The carbon, water and phosphate footprint of soy milk is a fraction of the latter. But the main reason for the increasing popularity of soy milk seems ...


On nutrition: Questions about incomplete proteins

Reader Ann F. writes: "I remember learning a bit about incomplete proteins a long time ago, and that if you combined, say, beans with corn, you had a complete protein, much as if you'd eaten eggs, or meat, or cottage cheese. ...


Foods that will make you feel full faster

(HealthDay)—When you get the urge for a snack, you might not think that a slice of turkey can have the same lip-smacking effect as a handful of chips. But scientists have known for some time that protein is the most efficient ...

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