
Are prenatal genetic tests becoming too complex?

As noninvasive prenatal testing becomes more advanced, questions of informed consent, clinical utility and ethical concerns become more complicated for clinicians, and more anxiety-provoking for parents, according to the ...


Frozen egg wastage prompts calls for women to donate unused eggs

Current estimates suggest that less than one in five women who freeze their eggs will return to use them later. With more women needing donor eggs to conceive—often sourced from overseas countries—researchers are encouraging ...


Big data saves lives, and patient safeguards are needed

The use of big data to address the opioid epidemic in Massachusetts poses ethical concerns that could undermine its benefits without clear governance guidelines that protect and respect patients and society, a University ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Convalescent plasma is latest COVID-19 therapy

Richard Beckerson will never know whether it was convalescent plasma that made the lifesaving difference—or whether it was the antiviral drug remdesivir or a combination of both.

Medical research

Japan okays research using human cells in animals

Japan has given the green light to a controversial research process involving implanting animals with human stem cells that could eventually help grow human organs for transplant inside animal hosts.

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