
Why we are not ready for genetically designed babies

The media is buzzing with the surprise news that a Chinese researcher, Jainkui He, has created the world's first genome-edited twins. He did this, ostensibly, to provide resistance to HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.


Yes, your doctor might Google you

When we think about Google and health, we usually think about patients searching online for health information. But you may be surprised that some doctors Google you.


Guidance offered for ethical referrals within ACOs

(HealthDay)—For accountable care organizations (ACOs), referrals within the ACO can be ethical as long as their selection is influenced in a manner that is transparent, with appropriate metrics and the right incentives, ...


Urban food initiative ethical for addressing food issues

(HealthDay)—The urban food initiative (UFI) seems to be a safe and ethical approach to addressing obesity and food insecurity, according to a viewpoint piece published online Aug. 18 in JAMA Pediatrics.


Discontinuation of randomized clinical trials common

Approximately 25 percent of about 1,000 randomized clinical trials initiated between 2000 and 2003 were discontinued, with the most common reason cited being poor recruitment of volunteers; and less than half of these trials ...


BMJ editorial: India's research participant protection policy

In an editorial published online today in BMJ, Johns Hopkins bioethicist Jeremy Sugarman and other experts warn that action is urgently needed to deal with possible unintended consequences of India's new policy protecting ...

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