Medical research

Increasing food intake by swapping mitochondrial genomes

Many of the characteristics that make people so different from each other are often the result of small differences in the DNA between individuals. Variation in just a single base in our DNA can cause significant variation ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Researchers create molecules with strong anti-Zika virus potential

The Zika virus is widely known for causing microcephaly and other brain defects in the fetuses of pregnant, infected women. Currently, there are no approved antiviral therapies specifically designed to treat Zika, but researchers ...


Pharmacological therapy to fight a rare pediatric disease

Scientists from the University of Granada (UGR) have developed a new pharmacological therapy using a molecule that presents similarities with one of the precursors of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). The therapy is effective against ...


The 'switch' that keeps the immune system from attacking the body

A microscopic battle rages in our bodies, as our cells constantly fend off invaders through our immune system: a complex system of cells and proteins designed to protect us from harmful pathogens. One of its central components ...

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