
Can the body have too much iron?

Many people are aware that low levels of iron in their body can lead anaemia, with symptoms such as fatigue. But few realise that too much iron can result in a potentially fatal condition.

Oncology & Cancer

East Asian genes may solve the skin cancer puzzle

Europeans fall prey to skin cancer because of their lighter skin, while Africans' dark skin protects them. But East Asians, whose skin colour resembles that of Europeans, are similar to Africans in their low susceptibility ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Scientists find genetic link between sugary drinks and gout

(Medical Xpress)—University of Otago and Auckland scientists have for the first time discovered a human gene variant that can "turn bad" when affected by sugary drinks, raising the risk of developing the common and debilitating ...


Scientists help identify genes causing myopia

Two researchers from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) are taking an active role in a global study which has unlocked the genetic origin of myopia. Through their collaboration with the Consortium for Refractive ...


Gene variants link to insulin resistance based on diet

(HealthDay)—Variants of insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1) are associated with insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, but only under particular dietary conditions, according to a study published online April 17 in ...

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