
Ten weight training tips for beginners

Years ago, weightlifting was thought to be reserved solely for bodybuilders and athletes. However, there has been significant research on the medical benefits of lifting weights. Everyone benefits from stronger bones and ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Study: Get moving to put the brakes on early Parkinson's

A new study suggests that people with early-stage Parkinson's disease who regularly got one to two hours of moderate exercise twice a week, like walking or gardening, may have less trouble balancing, walking and doing daily ...


Can you be overweight and healthy?

One of the most contentious questions asked in the health community today is whether you can be overweight and healthy.

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Weightlifting: How beginners can get started this new year

Weightlifting has become increasingly popular with people looking to get in shape. Not only can it be a great way to lose weight, it can also build strength and prevent muscle loss as we age.

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