Overweight & Obesity

Should we ditch BMI and use the 'body roundness index' instead?

Body mass index (better known as BMI) has long been used to get a quick and easy snapshot of a person's body fat levels. To calculate someone's BMI, you divide their weight in kilograms by their height in meters times itself. ...


Pharma firm urged to share new 'game-changer' HIV drug

More than 300 politicians, health experts and celebrities on Thursday called for US pharmaceutical giant Gilead to allow cheap, generic versions of a promising new HIV drug to be produced so it can reach people in developing ...


The sneaky ways junk food brands get positive news coverage

Public health experts are calling for government action to protect Australians from the influence of the unhealthy food, alcohol, and advertising industries, after new research published today unveiled the "sly" ways they ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

As mpox cases rise, experts urge complete, two-part vaccinations

The number of U.S. mpox cases has more than doubled compared with last year, and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been urging clinicians across states to encourage vaccinations for those at risk.


US medical advisers vote to recommend Eli Lilly Alzheimer drug

An independent panel of US medical experts voted Monday to recommend Eli Lilly's experimental Alzheimer's drug, meaning there could soon be another treatment option available to patients with the devastating brain disorder.

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