Oncology & Cancer

Team develops prognostic test for E2F4 in breast cancer

By looking at the expression levels of downstream genes of the regulators in breast cancer, investigators at Dartmouth Hitchcock's Norris Cotton Cancer Center (NCCC), led by Chao Cheng, PhD, have identified a gene signature ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study of 'sister' stem cells uncovers new cancer clue

Scientists have used a brand new technique for examining individual stem cells to uncover dramatic differences in the gene expression levels – which genes are turned 'up' or 'down'– between apparently identical 'sister' ...

Oncology & Cancer

MicroRNA-31 might predict lung-cancer spread

(Medical Xpress)—Determining whether a patient's lung cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes is critical for identifying the most effective therapy, but it usually requires surgery. A new study suggests, however, that ...

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