
Unique AED pads give hearts a second chance

An invention by Rice University bioengineering students in collaboration with the Texas Heart Institute (THI) is geared toward giving immediate second chances to arrhythmia victims headed toward cardiac arrest.

Sleep disorders

Sleep apnea increases risk of sudden cardiac death

A moderate case of obstructive sleep apnea can significantly increase a person's risk for sudden cardiac death, an often fatal condition where the heart stops beating and must be immediately treated with CPR or an automated ...


Can Twitter save lives?

Discussion about cardiac arrest on Twitter is common and represents a new opportunity to provide lifesaving information to the public, according to new research from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. ...


CPR is key to survival of sudden cardiac arrest

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation increases the possibility of surviving sudden cardiac arrest. But it's not just trained professionals who can jump in to perform CPR. There are simple, life-saving steps any bystander can take.


Researchers determine where best to place defibrillators

TORONTO: Prompt use of an automated external defibrillator, or AED, can greatly increase the survival rates of people who suffer a cardiac arrest. And MIE Professor Tim Chan, working with Dr. Laurie Morrison at St. Michael's ...

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