Oncology & Cancer

Cancer cells 'talk' to their environment, and it talks back

Interactions between an animal cell and its environment, a fibrous network called the extracellular matrix, play a critical role in cell function, including growth and migration. But less understood is the mechanical force ...


The dark side of antibiotic ciprofloxacin

The use of ciprofloxacin and other antibiotics of the class of fluoroquinolones may be associated with disruption of the normal functions of connective tissue, including tendon rupture, tendonitis and retinal detachment. ...


Genes affect where fat is stored

A recent study from Uppsala University has found that genetic factors influence whether people store fat around the trunk or in other parts of your body, and that this effect is predominant in women and much lower in men. ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Study shows how cartilage interacts with the joints in our bodies

Cartilage is a fascinating substance. It coats the ends of our bones, allowing them to glide by one another at joints like our elbows and our knees. The surface it creates is about five times more slippery than ice on ice.

Biomedical technology

Bio-inspired scaffolds help promote muscle growth

Rice University bioengineers are fabricating and testing tunable electrospun scaffolds completely derived from decellularized skeletal muscle to promote the regeneration of injured skeletal muscle.

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Extracellular matrix

In biology, the extracellular matrix (ECM) is the extracellular part of animal tissue that usually provides structural support to the animal cells in addition to performing various other important functions. The extracellular matrix is the defining feature of connective tissue in animals.

Extracellular matrix includes the interstitial matrix and the basement membrane. Interstitial matrix is present between various animal cells (i.e., in the intercellular spaces). Gels of polysaccharides and fibrous proteins fill the interstitial space and act as a compression buffer against the stress placed on the ECM. Basement membranes are sheet-like depositions of ECM on which various epithelial cells rest.

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