
Trusting their doctor helps people manage diabetes

For people with diabetes, a good relationship with a physician is key to sticking to a treatment plan that can help avoid serious complications. New research in the American Journal of Health Behavior, however, suggests more ...


Pond scum holds dangers for people, pets

(HealthDay)—Blue-green algae is found in lakes and ponds across the United States and is a threat to both people and pets, an expert warns.


FDA approves drug to treat diabetic macular edema

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced its approval of Lucentis (ranibizumab injection) for the treatment of diabetic macular edema, or DME, an eye condition in people with diabetes that causes blurred vision, ...


Study confirms genetic predictor for Fuchs' corneal dystrophy

Mayo Clinic and University of Oregon researchers have confirmed that a genetic factor called a repeating trinucleotide is a strong predictor of an individual's risk of developing the eye condition Fuchs' dystrophy. The findings ...

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